Industrial Revolution

Industrial Revolution

Industrial revolution means a turning point from hand-made goods to the machinery products. It is demonstrated in many sources that industrial revolution first started in Great Britain. However, many sources show that it first started in Europe and America together. In this article, I’ll drift the topic to the direction of US. In short, let’s see how Industrial Revolution worked in the US to create economy for the state.

Industry Revolution in the US

The industrial revolution in United States turned the fate of the state in a very fortunate way. Thanks to the father of industrial revolution in the US Mr. Samuel Slater. Till 1700s United States had not the sources of machinery products for growing economy like Western Europe. Neither the state had professional tools to make bridges and roads, Nor the government appointed skilled personnel for making industries and other related Mills. Sparse of the population and demands in the resources led to the state’s biggest revolution called Industrial Revolution in the US.

Why Industrial Revolution?

As already mentioned above that, fortunately there were good resources in the United States. But, the state was deprived of modern technology to utilize those resources in a meaningful way till early 1800s. There was a direct need of the machinery technology rather than labor industry in the US. Eventually, Samuel Slater, the father of revolution in the US, introduced the methods of the Great Britain in the US. However, he was born in England. Followings are the major points of the revolution in the US, and how this revolution turned the fate of the state in the economic development and sector:

1) Machine based manufacturing started.
2) Products and economic growth increased.
3) The turning point from an agrarian country to the industrial one.
4) Technological capabilities increased.
5) Competition growth between shores and companies.
6) First water-powered roller spinning textile million started in the country by the 1793 year.
7) The country’s dominancy started on better way to technology.
8) Quick utilizing the resources in the country started.
9) Economic growth started in the industrial country.
10)The revolution led to the perspective of more economy and growth in the sector.

Revolution Conclusion

In conclusion, the US seized the industrial revolution to resort to the growth in economy and resources. So the revolution helped the state to reduce financial deficits in economic sector. Therefore it gave quiescence to the state in making as much revenue as possible to meat the challenges of the modern world. In the prevailing times, the US is world’s super power country in industrial sectors. Either in technology, or in science, the US is running above the countries of the world. Hence in the fields of technology and industry, the US has strong contribution in the modern times. Secondly Socially and economically, the US is more prosperous country in the world. Due to this revolution, the US focused mainly on those factors which assist in making economy of the state.

Industry is main hub in the economy of any country. So most of the countries focusing on it and earn lot of money.