Pollution Water Air Atmosphere

Pollution Water Air Atmosphere

Pollution Water Air Atmosphere are effected badly all over the world. The Pollution is one of the major factors contributing to wrecking Earth. Therefore, if we are not careful, we will be very close to extinction. Pollution is of many different types. For example: Noise pollution, Air pollution, Water pollution. There are so many types the list goes on. The pollution which is a cause of concern is of land, water and air. These three necessities are essential for habitation of life. That is to say that if we lose these necessities, life will fail to exist. We shall be extinct along with the sea turtles and Indus dolphins. Ultimately having faiths, like those of the dinosaurs and the mammoths which roamed the earth before man.

Air Pollution

Air pollution is the most dreadful of all. It leads to severe lung problems. In many cities around the world, many people are suffering breathing problems .As they don’t have clean air to breathe. It has given rise to allergies. The dust particles in the air have caused many people to use air masks when going out.

This air pollution is mainly due to our industries which produce so much smoke and air pollution. Similarly, this results in large scale fog and worse smog. Moreover smog production is due to the burning of coal. Unfortunately many industries make use of coal and add to the amount of smog production. In other words, smog is a mixture of fog and smoke that can contribute to irritation of airways. Similarly, it can also increase the risk of heart diseases.

Land Pollution

Land pollution is also a major reason why the earth is suffering. We, humans have taken earth for granted. Therefore are the culprits for its likely early demise. The waste we spread on the land makes the soil deficient in nutrients. Consequently making the land infertile for growth of crops. Eventually this all represents how careless we are about Mother Nature.

It is true that what you sow you shall reap. Similarly, the earth shall be ever so grateful if we stopped stuffing the earth with plastics. In addition, to providing it with the good nutrients it needs.

 Water Pollution

Pollution in water is the most dangerous and life threatening of all. Water bodies’ serves as a home to marine life. Therefore disturbing their environment disrupts the whole ecosystem. Our habits of discarding unwanted trash into the ocean are prime reason that ocean life is suffering. The plastics we throw in water are of such a large extent that we are disturbing marine life. This is harmful because plastics taken a long time to decompose. Similarly, only a third of recycled items are actually recyclable.

The pollution in water is also being disturbed by the discarding of harmful toxic chemicals. As toxic waste poses as a threat to marine life. Therefore it is included as a water pollutant. Many aquatic animals suffer as a result of this. The turtles have suffered the most and are very close to being extinct.


In conclusion, we must change our habits and resort to reusable items instead of plastics. This will affect our environment in a positive way. Furthermore we must adopt ways that will help our environment. Usage of plastics must be stopped immediately. Trees must be planted to help reduce the harsh effects of global warming. Similarly, educating people on using reusable containers and straws must be done. Therefore taking these small steps will help bring change for the better. In turn helping us build a better future.