Endangered Species Organisms Threatened by Extinction

Endangered Species Organisms Threatened by Extinction

Endangered species are organisms that are threatened by extinction. Species become endangered for two main reasons:
Loss of habitat
Loss of genetic variation
There are many species of animals that have become endangered and many more that are disappearing from our planet. There are many examples of such species like African wild dog of Sahara, Amur leopard of south-eastern Russia and northern China, Siberian tiger of east and north-east China, Bengal tiger of the Indian subcontinent.
Humans are largely responsible when animals become endangered , extinct or threatened. Some reasons why animals become endangered are as described:

Destruction of Habitat: People fill dams, rivers swamps.
Pollution: Oil spills, acid rain and water pollution devastated many birds and fishes.
Exotic Species: Disease spreading in animals when the come to new environment.
Hunting and fishing : Many animals are over-hunt for meat , fur and other body parts that are very valuable.
While the endangerment of animal species is a part of the natural process of evolution, the expansion of the human species leads to significant increase in the extinction rate. Because humans share ecosystems with these species, our quality of life and our survival is link to them. For example the AMERICAN BISON nearly vanished in the 19th century. While the Native Americans of the central plains depended upon the animal food , leather, fur and many more other goods , their health was affected such that they suffered severe malnutrition.

Our role to protect Endangered Species

The conservation of such species is important for us. A well-balanced eco-system purifies the environment, giving us clean air to breathe, a healthy water system to support marine life, and arable land for agricultural production. We need to take following steps for the safety of endangered species:
Make our home wildlife friendly, Prevent using herbicides and insecticides, Protect wild life habitat,
Give your time to nature, Create a wild life friendly home, Join an organization working to protect endangered species.