Macro Minerals Calcium Chloride Magnesium Phosphorus

Macro minerals List

Minerals are meant to keep us healthy and stable. Most of the minerals are achieved through nutrients in food.
Types Of Minerals
There are two types of minerals:
1. Macro minerals
2.Trace minerals

Macro Minerals

Macro minerals are needed by our body in large amounts. They are easily available through natural foods. There are many types of macro minerals, some of which are listed below:

1. Calcium

Calcium is one of the most important mineral when it comes to bone and teeth formation. It is a major factor in healing blood clotting, resolving heart rhythms, maintaining muscle function and helps many enzymes in our body to do their normal functions. It also helps in regulating blood pressure and contributes to good immune system health. Calcium deficiencies contribute to many diseases like tooth decay and osteoporosis. Recommendations tell that 100 to 400mg of calcium should be consumed in a day through low fat dairy products. Some calcium products include: Milk and milk products, canned fish with bones, broccoli, fortified soy beverages, mustard and legumes. Insufficiency of calcium may also lead to osteomalacia and rickets and tetany.

2. Chloride

Chlorine is a very important mineral. It functions as an electrolyte in our body. The chloride ion plays a major role in water metabolism, acid base balance, osmosis and proper fluid balance. It is found in table salt, soy sauce and small amounts in milk, meat and vegetables.

3. Magnesium

Magnesium plays an important role in forming bones and teeth. Therefore it helps in normal functioning of our nerves and muscles. Its the seventh most abundant element present in the body. It’s also use in ion transport and cell migration. It use in muscle contraction and nerve transmission and for maintaining good immune system health. Observations reveal that 400 to 420 mg of magnesium should be consume by men and 310 to 320 mg by women. It is found in nuts, leafy green vegetables, seafood, and chocolates too. Insufficiency of magnesium may lead to fatigue, muscular problems, low bone density and insomnia.

4. Phosphorus

Its an important mineral for maintaining healthy bones and teeth. In case of it is use in the formation of DNA and it plays a vital role in metabolizing energy in our body. Certainly It plays a major role in turning food into energy and strength. It helps in good liver and kidney function and is involve in a part of the body system that maintains acid base balance. The foods that are high in phosphorus include dairy beef, chicken, meat, poultry eggs and even coke. Insufficiency of phosphorus may lead to respiratory problems, anemia, bone disorders and weakness.

5. Potassium

Potassium is a vital mineral in balancing electrolytes and is need for nerve transmission and muscle contraction. To Clarify it highly found in vegetables, milk, whole grains, meat and legumes. Insufficient potassium in body may lead to muscle paralysis, tetanyand metabolic disturbances.

6. Sodium

Sodium is a helpful mineral in maintaining proper nerve and muscle function. In conclusion It helps in maintaining a normal acid alkali ph balance in the body and contributes to normal function of muscle and nerve tissues. Sodium rich food are table salt, process foods and process bakery products. Insufficiency of sodium may include low blood pressure, paralysis and many respiratory problems and on the other hand excessive amounts of sodium may include dehydration and hypernatremia.

7. Sulfur

Similarly Sulfur is an important mineral in maintaining skin health and healing buildup of toxic substances in the body. It is a part of cysteine and methionine. It found in vegetables, beef and dairy products. Insufficiency of sulfur may lead to poor muscle development and causes weakness and excessive amounts of it in the body can cause kidney damage.


During the better the intake of macro minerals in the body the more better the health is going to be. Finally to have a healthy lifestyle it is very important to have knowledge of normal consumption and intake of these minerals. Following a perfect diet plan would contribute to a healthy body.