List of Minerals in Body

List of Minerals in Body

Minerals are essential in human body for growth, development and overall physical health. List of Minerals in Body that help to build strong bones and transmit neural impulses. A balanced and healthy diet contains all the essential minerals needed by the body.
Types of Minerals
There are two types of minerals
1- Macro minerals
2- Micro minerals

Macro minerals

Macro minerals are needed by the body in large amounts. So Macro minerals include Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Chloride, Potassium and sulfur.
Calcium builds teeth, muscles and bones. It is important for immune system functioning, blood pressure regulation and blood clotting. It also helps in muscle movements.
Calcium is present in milk, dairy products, fish, green vegetables and legumes.
Due to Magnesium helps to build proteins in the body. It also assists in muscle movements, nervous system coordination and immune system functioning. Magnesium is present in bones too.
Magnesium can be found in seeds, nuts, legumes, leafy vegetables, chocolate and seafood.

In case of Phosphorus is present in teeth and bones and also in cells of the body to maintain PH of the system.
Phosphorus intake can be done through eggs, poultry, fish, milk, meat and processed foods.
Sodium is important for balance of fluids in the body, It is also needed for neural communication and muscle movements.
So Sodium can be gained through Table salt, processed foods and soy sauce.

Chloride maintains fluid balance in the body and acid in the stomach used for digestion.
Meanwhile Chloride is also available through Table salt, processed foods and soy sauce.
Potassium maintains balance of fluids, nervous system communication and muscle relaxation and contraction.
To clarify Potassium can gain by vegetables and fruits, milk, meat, legumes and grains.
Sulfur use for building and maintaining protein molecules in the body.
Certainly Sulfur can consume by poultry, fish, nuts, eggs, milk, meat and legumes.

Micro Minerals

Micro minerals are also called Trace Minerals, which are need the body in trace or very little amounts. Due to Micro minerals are also very essential to the body. Trace or Micro minerals include Iron, Copper, Zinc, Iodine, Fluoride, Selenium, Chromium, Manganese and Molybdenum.
Iron is need by the body in slightly larger amounts than other trace minerals. if Iron is present in haemoglobin of red blood cells which is essential for oxygen transmission in the body.
Therefore Iron occurs in various foods including poultry, meat, fish, egg yolk, green vegetables, fruits and cereals.
Copper is useful for enzyme functioning and metabolism.
It can gain through nuts, seeds, legumes and grains.

Certainly Zinc helps in fetal growth, perception of taste, healing of wounds, sexual maturity and immune system.
For example Zinc is present in fish, grains, vegetables, poultry and meat.
Iodine is useful for functioning of thyroid hormone.
During It find in Seafood, bread and iodize salt.
Fluoride is useful in preventing tooth decay.
It is present in fish, and water.
Selenium is an antioxidant found in seafood and meat.
Chromium assists in insulin functioning which is present in unrefined foods.
Manganese is part of enzymes in the body and present in plant foods.
Molybdenum also find in enzymes and present in bread, grains, liver and vegetables.